About the GMCC0000
The Red Lion Graphite Module GMCC0000 is a device that enables IEC 61131 control capabilities through Crimson Control. IEC 61131 is a standard for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) that specifies the programming languages, instructions, and functions used in PLCs, as well as the communication protocols and hardware requirements.
Once connected, the GMCC0000 module allows the user to access and control the functions and variables of the connected PLC or device using Crimson Control. This can be done using the built-in IEC 61131 protocol driver in Crimson Control or through custom scripts and programs created using the Crimson Control scripting language.
The GMCC0000 module supports a wide range of IEC 61131 programming languages, including Ladder Logic (LD), Function Block Diagram (FBD), Structured Text (ST), and Instruction List (IL). It also supports various communication protocols, including Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, and DF1.
The GMCC0000 module is compact and easy to install, making it suitable for use in a variety of applications. It is compatible with all models of Crimson Control and can be used with a variety of PLCs and other devices that support the IEC 61131 standard.